[Bharathi] Nirpathuve nadapathuve parapathuve…
Wow, I feel so awed by these lines, these lines questions the validity of our perceptions/views/ beliefs/thoughts about this world… brilliance is one word which sums it! do pay attention to each word ( can be interpreted in multiple ways, this is my interpretation).
Movie: Bharathi
Poet: Subramanya Bharathi
Singer: Harish Raghavendra
Music: Ilayaraaja
Song Sequence: (1)-(1)-(2)-(3)-(3)-(4)-(1)-(5)-(5)-(6)
(1)நிற்பதுவே நடப்பதுவே பறப்பதுவே நீங்களெல்லாம் சொப்பனந்தானோ? பல தோற்ற மயக்கங்களோ?
Nirpathuve nadapathuve parapathuve,
neengalellam soppanam thaano,
pala thotra mayakangalo,
what ever I perceive as standing (still), walking and flying around me,
are all of these just my dreams?
are they mere illusions that my thoughts make me beleive of this world?
(2)கற்பதுவே கேட்பதுவே கருதுவதே
நீங்களெல்லாம் அற்ப மாயைகளோ?
உம்முள் ஆழ்ந்த பொருளில்லையோ?
karpadhuve ketpadhuve karudhuvadhe,
neengalellam arpa maayaygalo,
ummul aalndha porul illaiyo,
what ever I learn, I hear , I imagine,
are all these petty illusions?
don’t all these thing have a deeper meaning/significance?
(3)வானகமே இளவெயிலே மரச்செறிவே
நீங்களெல்லாம் கானலின் நீரோ?
வெறும் காட்சிப் பிழைதானோ?
vaanakame ilaveyile maracharive,
neengalellam kaanalin neero,
verum kaatchi pilai thaano,
The sky, the first rays of sunlight, the trees along slopes,
are all of you merely a mirage?
are these just a result of my erroneous view?
(4)போனதெல்லாம் கனவினைப்போல்
புதைந்தழிந்தே போனதனால்
நானும் ஓர் கனவோ?
இந்த ஞாலமும் பொய்தானோ?
ponathellam kanavinaipol,
pudhainthazhinthe ponathanaal,
naanum or kanavo,
intha gnalamum poi thaano,
whatever went (thoughts and also people), like a dream,
got buried and was lost in the past (also means buried under the earth – after death),
similarly am I also just a dream ( I will also be gone/forgotten one day),
isn’t this world a lie too?
(5)காலமென்றே ஒரு நினைவும்
காட்சியென்றே பல நினைவும்
கோலமும் பொய்களோ?
அங்குக் குணங்களும் பொய்களோ?
kaalam endre oru ninaivum,
kaatchi endre pala ninaivum,
kolamum poygalo,
angu gunangalum poygalo,
The thought we perceive as time,
The multiple thoughts that arise due to our power of vision (of the space around us),
are all these forms (appearances) mere lies?
there, what we perceive as characters (qualities of a person), aren’t these too lies?
(6)காண்பவெல்லாம் மறையுமென்றால் மறைந்ததெல்லாம் காண்பமன்றோ? நானும் ஓர் கனவோ? இந்த ஞாலமும் பொய்தானோ?
kaanpadhellam maraiyum endraal,
maraindhadhellam kaanbamandro,
naanum or kanavo,
intha gnalamum poy thaano.
if it is true that, what ever we see will vanish eventually,
wouldn’t we see all that vanished? (as our memories) ( isn’t this a paradox)
am I just a dream?
isn’t this world a lie too?
Excellent translation!!!
Thanks Archie
Very good work.
You have done justice to the immortal lyrics, as Chayaji Shinde did in the film.
Hi Mohan, Thank you.
I’ve been searching this translation for 5-6 years, thanks a lot mate. When you get some time, read this facebook note, http://www.facebook.com/notes/arun-rajagopal/subramanya-bharathi-on-metaphysics-epistemology-and-quantum-reality/402081669824387 . Thanks again mate.
Hi Arun, I liked the way you relate the verses to physics. Very glad that my translations were of use.
Cheers mate
Very happy to come across your works
keep going 
Cannot access it. Pls post again or share correct link
Good translation. I struggled with translating this song…
Hey.. Thanks a lot!
Very nice! Explains the duality of the universe and says non duality is the ultimate reality indirectly!
Thanks Ganesh, was exploring your blog, really fantastic blog you have .
Thank you! You are most welcome.
exactly !!!
Excellent translation.. great work my friend!!
Thanks Ram
மிகவும் நன்றி.
Vanakkam Sir,
Thanks for taking the time to do this wonderful translation. WIth Raja Sir’s music,this song give me peace It is a grand feeling just to listen to this song and then with meaning, I am in awe of MahaKavi Bharathi. I am glad that his thoughts are alive among this generation.
மிகவும் நன்றி.
When you find time, please continue doing such wonderful work .
he is wrong to say
naanum or kanavo,
intha gnalamum poi thaano
coz he is like ajaramar ,the one who never dies
am a Sindhi and i was born and brought up in hyderabad
even though i learnt tamil (coz my grand mother is tamilatti )
and the song is like my famliy song
Sindhu nadhiyin misai nilavinilae
chaera nannaattilam pengaludanae
sundharath thelunginil paattisaiththu
bharatiyar kk bharatiyare saati
no comparison
though the wordings and feelings cant be translated to other language
great job tamil rasikan
the song is so mesmerizing thanks to Harish Raghavendra for such beautiful rendering
and illaiaraja ,another maestro
Ujwal shivdaswani
Dear Ujwal Shivdaswani,
I echo your views. Bharathiyaar’s verses with the music and rendition makes this song a true gem.
A few corrections in the text.
1. gnAlam =ஞாலம். It means earth, world, universe, magic, and also the great.
It is not to be construed as knowledge which is ஞானம்.
2. puthainthelinthe –> pudhainthazhinthE (புதைந்தழிந்தே)
3. In verse #5 gungalum __> guNangaLum (குணங்களும்)
4. In #6 “nAnumOr kanavO….” is repeated. Instead in Bharathi’s version it is “VeeNpaDu poyyilE niththam vidhi thoDarnthiDumO…” The song in the video does not have this.
Thanks a lot Dr.Subramanian.
Good, nice explanation. Thanks
There are a couple of more stanzas in Bharatiyar’s original composition. I am unable to find those lyrics through Google search. That almost completely negates the philosophical view of the stanzas stated above. If anyone can post those lyrics that would be great.
I got the extra stanzas from the Bharathiyar Kavithaigal book that I have. One stanza was missing after the above stanza 5 as well. Here they are,
sOlaiyilE mrangaLellAm thOnRuvathOr vidhaiyilenRAl
sOlai poiyAmO — idhai sollOdu sErpArO
kANbavellAm maRaiyumenRAl mRaindhadellAm kANbamanRO
vINpadu poiyilE niththam vidhithodarndhidumO
kANbadhuvE urudhikaNdOm kANbathallAl urudhiyillai
kANbadhu sathiyamAm — indha kAtchi nithiyamAm
Either the movie makers deliberately changes the song or Bharathiyar had two alternate endings. I am not sure which is the case.
While the original song’s philosophy is trancendental here is is completely existentialist.
Thanks Rajaram for your effort, its intriguing as you point out. Wonder what went through Mahakavi’s mind when he penned this.
Which Tamil song has the best lyrics?
NIRPATHUVE NADAPATHUVE PARAPATHUVE Movie: Bharathi Poet: Subramanya Bharathi Singer: Harish Raghavendra Music: Ilayaraaja @http://tamilthathuvarasigan.wordpress.com/2014/05/23/bharathi-nirpathuve-nadapathuve-parapathuve/
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what a song!!!!!!!!!!
He is good one. Can able to feel his thoughts from his great poems. Great man with potential laugage. We are so lucky to live in this tamil society. Thanks to Tamil rasigan.
I will be grateful if anyone could direct me to the translation of the following song:
Paadariyen Padippariyen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBagqESVCWU)
Many thanks
(email: sadwerdna@gmail.com)
Hi Andrew, We haven’t translated this song yet. I am not sure if the translation is already available some where. Please try the google oracle if there is one :). Having said that, we will do the translation in a while since it is a very good song. Thank you for the suggestion
Thanks, I will be waiting for the translation from lyrical delights. Let me know once it is done. I also need the translator’s name, in case if i need to share it.
Hi Andrew,
Here it is! Hope you like it!
I am not a tamilian to share the pride of this immortal song. I feel my throught choked and tears run because of an emotion which I could not explain.
maybe due to nada yoga……u r a blessed soul
oh ……i love this song ….very much…
What a spiritual awakening bharathi had.. bless to have him in our life.
arumai ayya!!!!
i guess our Bharathi paatten wrote this after studying vedic literature when in Puducherry. Being a poet who appreciates and enjoys every moment of nature, cannot able to digest the philosophy of avaitha which says everything that is not eternal is not true…….so he asks all these questions through this gem of a poem. His words are embellished by our maestro ilayaraja in this song. This song is thousand times more likeable if one understands the meaning …..thanks again for the translation bro
Epudi 8 or 9 decades munadi ivlo sirapa ezhuthirukaru! I was just wondered!semma
Bharathi is a modern day Siddha, he who understood the mysteries of universe, not just this poem he has scripted many such deep rooted philosophical poems. Everything he has described in this poem using simple words (that arose from his wandering mind) in today’ world is the modern definition of universe as “3D holographic illusion of time and space” https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2746443/our-universe-is-one-massive-hologram-and-our-entire-existence-is-an-illusion-scientists-claim/
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